Welcome to Realton

Website Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions (“Terms and Conditions” govern the use of www.realestateprofessionals.com and www.repinc.ca (the “Website”) and the mobile version of the Website. This Website is owned and operated by Real Estate Professionals Inc., which is a real estate brokerage.

By accessing and using this Website, you acknowledge and agree that you have read and understood these Terms and Conditions and agree to abide by them at all times.

Age Restriction

It is a condition of the use of our Website that you are of the legal age to enter into a binding contract and that you are not a person barred from accessing our Website under any applicable laws. Depending on the province of your residence, the minimum age to use our Website is either 18 or 19 years old (“adult”). By using this Website, users agree that they are not a minor. If you, as a parent, allow a minor to access our Website then you understand and agree that you are responsible for providing and have provided consent to these Terms and Conditions and our Privacy Policy, which is posted on our Website, that you will control/oversee the minor’s access, use and their conduct on our Website. We do not assume any legal responsibility for false statements about age. 

Creating an Account on our Website

Our Website provides a wide range of functionality. Our Website allows you to save searches for real estate properties, sign up for alerts, access resources, and perform other functions on our Website as we may add over time. You may choose to create an account on our Website to access this functionality. If you choose to create an account, you will be required to provide certain registration information and you agree to provide information that is current, correct and complete.

You further agree that your account on our Website is personal to you and that you will not provide any other person access to our Website or portions of it using your account, username, password or other security information. You will also notify us of any unauthorized access or breaches. You are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and privacy of your username and password and for any and all activities you perform through your account on our Website.

Intellectual Property (IP)

All content published and made available on our Website is the property of Real Estate Professionals Inc. and the Website’s creators. This includes, but is not limited to, the images, text, logos, documents, downloadable files and anything that contributes to the composition of our Website.

Acceptable Use

As a user of our Website, you agree to use our Website legally, not to use our Website for illegal purposes, and not to:

  1. Harass or mistreat other users of our Website;
  2. Violate the rights of other users of our Website;
  3. Violate the intellectual property rights of the Website owners or any third party to the Website;
  4. Hack into the account of another user of our Website;
  5. Act in an way that could be considered fraudulent; or
  6. Post any material that may be deemed inappropriate, offensive or defamatory.

If we believe that you are using our Website illegally or in a manner that violates these Terms and Conditions then we reserve the right to limit, suspend or terminate your access to our Website. We also reserve the right to take any legal steps necessary to prevent you from accessing our Website, and you agree to cover the costs of the same on a solicitor-and-own-client basis.

Third-Party Websites, Resources, and Other Content

The Website is intended for informational purposes. The Website may include/provide links to third-party websites, services, resources and content that we do not own or control for your convenience only. We are not responsible for the accuracy, quality, sufficiency, completeness or reliability of the content, policies or practices of any third-party website or service linked to on our Website. It is your responsibility to read the terms and conditions and privacy policies of these third-party websites before using those sites. Your dealings with third-party websites is at your own risk and your dealings with them are between you and that third-party and do not involve us in any way shape or form. You are encouraged to make reasonable, necessary and appropriate investigations before contacting or accessing any third-party site, resource or other content.

Limitation of Liability and Indemnity

Real Estate Professionals Inc. and our directors, officers, agents, employees, subsidiaries, and affiliates will not be liable fore any actions, claims, losses, damages, liabilities and expenses including, but not limited to, legal fees from your use of the Website.

Except where prohibited by law, by using this Website you indemnify and hold harmless Real Estate Professionals Inc. and our directors, officers, agents, employees, subsidiaries, and affiliates from any actions, claims, losses, damages, liabilities and expenses including legal fees arising out of your use of our Website or your violation of these Terms and Conditions.

Applicable Law

These Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of the Province of Alberta.

Dispute Resolution

Subject to any exceptions specified in these Terms and Conditions, if you and Real Estate Professionals Inc. are unable to resolve any dispute through informal discussion, then you and Real Estate Professionals Inc. agree to submit the issue first before a non-binding mediator and to an arbitrator in the event that mediation fails. The decision of the arbitrator will be final and binding. Any mediator or arbitrator must be a neutral party acceptable to you and Real Estate Professionals Inc.

Notwithstanding any other provision in these Terms and Conditions, you and Real Estate Professionals Inc., agree that you both retain the right to bring an action in small claims court and to bring an action for injunctive relief or intellectual property infringement.


If at any time any of the provisions set forth in these Terms and Conditions are found to be inconsistent or invalid under applicable laws, those provisions will be deemed void and will be removed from these Terms and Conditions. All other provisions will not be affected by the removal and the rest of these Terms and Conditions will still be considered valid.


These Terms and Conditions may be amended from time to time, under our sole and absolute discretion and for any reason, in order to maintain compliance with the law and to reflect any changes to the way we operate our Website and the way we expect users to behave on our Website. The most recent version of these Terms and Conditions will be posted on our Website and your continued use of our Website post-changes to the Terms and Conditions means that you accept and agree to be bound by the Terms and Conditions as amended.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about these Terms and Conditions, please feel free to contact us as follows:

Telephone: (403) 547-4102

Email: [email protected]

Address: 202-5403 Crowchild Trail NW, Calgary, Alberta T3B 4Z1